- Phone USA: 818 437-8654
- Phone ARM: 094 011 989
Mission: New school desks (26) /chairs (52) & other necessary furnishings
Goal Raised: $4,966.00
Bayandur Secondary School project complete with quality classroom furniture; 52 chairs, 26 tables, 4 recliners, 2 sofas and other necessary furnishings.
My appreciation for your wholehearted donations goes beyond what words can’t describe, thank you to everyone who has donated towards this project. Generations after will be able to utilize the equipment that was purchased.
Mission: New school desks (26) /chairs (52) & other necessary furnishings
Goal Raised: $4,966.00
Bayandur Secondary School project complete with quality classroom furniture; 52 chairs, 26 tables, 4 recliners, 2 sofas and other necessary furnishings.
My appreciation for your wholehearted donations goes beyond what words can’t describe, thank you to everyone who has donated towards this project. Generations after will be able to utilize the equipment that was purchased.