- Phone USA: 818 437-8654
- Phone ARM: 094 011 989
Mission: Medication & Laundry Machine
Goal Raised: $400.00
Hasmik who is 10 years old needed
Psych. Medication. Hasmik had surgery where unfortunately the doctors had hit a nerve and caused Hasmik to have blood clots in her brain that caused her to have seizures. The doctor’s were taken to court and have helped Hasmik with purchasing the medication but have stopped since the court process has finished.
This medication has been her only hope. 40 pieces of medication cost $40.00 ($1.00 each pill). My worker Artush has gone with Hasmik’s mother to purchase the medication together.
Washing machine was also purchased. Fun fact, in Armenia the washing machines are all in one washer and dryer.
Mission: Medication & Laundry Machine
Goal Raised: $400.00
Hasmik who is 10 years old needed
Psych. Medication. Hasmik had surgery where unfortunately the doctors had hit a nerve and caused Hasmik to have blood clots in her brain that caused her to have seizures. The doctor’s were taken to court and have helped Hasmik with purchasing the medication but have stopped since the court process has finished.
This medication has been her only hope. 40 pieces of medication cost $40.00 ($1.00 each pill). My worker Artush has gone with Hasmik’s mother to purchase the medication together.
Washing machine was also purchased. Fun fact, in Armenia the washing machines are all in one washer and dryer.