- Phone USA: 818 437-8654
- Phone ARM: 094 011 989
Mission: Window Renovation & Vehicle Purchase
Goal Raised: $5,000.00
We have chosen to replace Albert’s windows of his family home due to the old windows being in terrible condition and during the winter time no household should be cold due to this. We are focusing on creating a positive impact and increasing their quality of day to day life.
During an Instagram live that was completed for Albert, we decided to surprise him by raising money in order to purchase a vehicle for our soldier to make his commute easier.
We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the support of our donors.
Mission: Window Renovation & Vehicle Purchase
Goal Raised: $5,000.00
We have chosen to replace Albert’s windows of his family home due to the old windows being in terrible condition and during the winter time no household should be cold due to this. We are focusing on creating a positive impact and increasing their quality of day to day life.
During an Instagram live that was completed for Albert, we decided to surprise him by raising money in order to purchase a vehicle for our soldier to make his commute easier.
We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the support of our donors.